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Peer Effects and Alcohol Use among College Students
Michael Kremer and Dan Levy.
Published in Journal of Economic Perspectives, 22 (3): 189-206. in the year 2008
Does having a college roommate who drinks alcohol influence academic performance?
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What they found
For male students, having a college roommate who frequently drank alcohol before college reduces one's GPA by 0.28.
For female students, there is no effect.
How they found out
Researchers analyzed data from a survey which was conducted in university where students were randomly assigned as roommates.
They compared the GPA of students based on their roommates' drinking habits in high school.
Where the study was conducted
A large state university in the US (name not identified)
Students who drink may also differ from those who do not in ways that are difficult to measure, making it hard to isolate the effect of drinking.
Michael Kremer, Professor , Harvard University
,Dan Levy, Senior Lecturer, Harvard University
Paper citation
Kremer, Michael, and Dan Levy. 2008. "Peer Effects and Alcohol Use among College Students." Journal of Economic Perspectives, 22 (3): 189-206.